One Day At A Time
SKU: 30
Your Step-by-Step Recovery Journal for Overcoming Life's Challenges
Life throws us all challenges. Sometimes coping with these challenges takes us down roads of addictions via easy fixes that relieve our discomfort in the moment but actually make life harder. But there is hope for today as we choose a new path - a path of recovery. Freedom is possible.
The One Day at a Time journal will help you work your recovery program step-by-step as you walk into a new way of living. In this recovery journal, you'll have the tools you need to work your recovery program with your Sponsor:
- The 12 steps
- Serenity Prayer
- 90 in 90 tally list
- Meeting notes pages to record your aha moments
- The Steps journal pages to use to process each step of your journey
- Daily Inventory journal pages to keep working Step 10 daily
- Contacts List - to record your Sponsors and Accountability Partners
- A place to note the meetings you attend and your service opportunities
- Mood meter to track how each day you are feeling as you walk your road to recovery